Active Grants for the Natural Resources & The Environment department

Grant Name Close Date
A Multi-Regional Approach 8/31/2025
A region-wide collab approach 9/1/2025
Acer Saccharum 7/23/2025
Andean- Amazonian Watershed 8/31/2025
Assessment of impacts from for 9/30/2025
Assisted migration: A viable s 3/31/2025
Bioproduct Interventions for 5/4/2025
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law 10/31/2025
CAREER: A research foundation to improve understanding of the post-thaw permafrost microbiome via collaborative networks and experiential learning 3/31/2027
Capturing Sunlight: Using Row 2/28/2026
Climate Sustainable Agriculture 6/30/2029
Climate-smart silviculture 8/14/2029
Collaborative Research: LTREB: Soil Warming and Forest Ecosystem Feedbacks to the Climate System 3/31/2025
Collaborative Research: MRA: D 12/31/2025
Collaborative Research: MRA: Distributions of macrofungi: quantifying ecosystem and climate drivers 12/31/2025
Collaborative Research: Minera 8/31/2025
Decadal scale trend in North Forest 4/30/2027
Developing and Evaluating Novel Techniques for Moose Monitoring in New Hampshire 6/30/2025
Development and Application of 8/31/2025
Diversifying the maple syrup i 12/31/2025
Enhancing Structural Diversity 5/14/2027
Faculty for the Future 8/29/2025
Feasibility study to expand SN 9/29/2025
Feeding seaweed to advance the 8/31/2025
Feeding seaweed to advance the sustainability of organic dairy and aquaculture systems 8/31/2025
Functional Diversity 4/30/2025
Functional Trait Approach 5/31/2027
Growing in the right direction 6/30/2028
Increasing resiliency to chang 12/15/2025
Increasing resiliency to change winters in the Northeast: understanding effects on perennial forage and weed community dynamics 12/15/2025
Indigeneous Forest Knowledge 12/31/2025
Landscape simulation models 3/31/2026
Linking Soils 8/31/2028
MRI: Track #1 Acquisition of a 9/30/2026
NE Cottontail Rel Site Monitor 3/31/2027
NERACOOS: A responsive ocean observing system for the changing Northeast region 6/30/2026
NH Water Resources Research Ce 8/31/2025
NRT: Convergent Arctic Researc 8/31/2026
NRT: Convergent Arctic Research and Perspectives (CARPE) 8/31/2026
NSF Regional Innovation Engine 4/30/2025
NSRC 2023 3/28/2028
NSRC 2024 7/31/2029
Northeastern Region - UNH: Val 8/31/2025
Plastic Spiraling in River Net 9/30/2025
Quantifying Furbearer Populations and Habitat Relationships Across New Hampshire 6/30/2025
Rapid Monitoring of Sparrows in GM 3/31/2029
Resilience and Vulnerability of Acer Saccharum to Drought, Defoliators, and Tapping: Stress Tresholds 7/23/2025
Restoration Monitoring Project 6/20/2028
Risk assessment of non-target 8/26/2026
Risk assessment of protecting 10/30/2028
SAMS to UIE: Development 9/14/2027
SitS: FroSen: Novel soil frost 2/14/2026
Sparrow Movements in Maine 5/31/2026
StateView Program Development 9/14/2025
Survival and Cause Mortality 6/30/2027
T. planipennisi and O. agrili 8/31/2025
The Prognosis for Beech Leaf 10/30/2028
Tidal Marsh Bird Weskeag Marsh 5/29/2031
Uptake and bioaccumulation of 12/11/2025
Wildlife Vehicle Collisions 6/30/2026