Active Grants for the Cooperative Extension (COOP) department

Grant Name Close Date
Coastal Resilience Odiorne Point 4/30/2026
1B NH Coverts 6/30/2025
2021 New Hampshire Forest Stew 9/30/2025
2021 New Hampshire Forest Stewardship 9/30/2025
2022 BIL SFAP Forest Stew 9/30/2027
2022 Forest Stewardship 8/16/2027
2023 NH Forest Stewardship Program 7/31/2028
2023 NRCS Agreement - Forest 7/4/2028
2024 APHIS 8/31/2025
Building Coastal Resilience for the Broader Great Marsh System of NH ad MA 7/31/2025
Building a Coastal Resilience 7/31/2025
Climate Sustainable Agriculture 6/30/2029
Climate in the Classroom Support 2/28/2026
Coastal Com Climate Tech Asst 6/30/2025
Diversifying the maple syrup i 12/31/2025
Extension Implementation Plan 8/31/2025
FY24 SNAP-Ed 9/30/2025
From Stump to Structure: Accel 6/30/2026
LAB GIRLS: Manchester at STEM 8/31/2025
Management Blueberry Leaf rust NH 10/31/2026
NH Coastal Flood Risk Report 6/30/2026
NH Underserved Landowners 8/31/2029
NSF CHIRRP 9/30/2026
Rehabilitating and promoting l 6/27/2025
Relocation of plant species 12/31/2026
Sea Grant Northeast Regional 8/31/2026
Seabrook Dune Walkways 6/30/2025
Shifting interactions on lobster egg health 9/30/2026
State IPM Grant 3/31/2025
Trail Finder: Accessible Trails 12/11/2025
USDA Extension Foundation 3/31/2025
Volunteer Beach Profiling 9 and 10 6/30/2025
Wildlife Plan Revision-Stakeholder 6/30/2025
Youth Mental Health First Aid 9/29/2025