Active Grants for the Track 2 Future of Dams department

Grant Name Close Date
Andean- Amazonian Watershed 8/31/2025
BIL 7/31/2029
CAREER: Decision Theoretic Lif 5/31/2026
CAREER: Decision Theoretic Life Cycle Assessment 5/31/2026
Collaborative Research: NNA Track 1: Change, Resilience and Sustainability of Frozen Commons in Alaskan and Northeastern Siberian Communities 8/31/2026
Developing Structural Engineer 4/30/2025
FHWA Sustainable & Resilient 10/1/2025
FMRG: Eco: GOALI: Exploring an 9/30/2027
NH Water Resources Research Ce 8/31/2025
NSF CHIRRP 9/30/2026
PREP Monitoring Collaborative 12/31/2025
RII Track-2 FEC: ENACTS 8/31/2028