Active Grants for the Physics department

Grant Name Close Date
2024 Lightning Panel 7/31/2028
A High-speed Camera System 12/31/2025
COUINS Rocket 1/31/2025
Cosmic Phenomenology 8/31/2025
Data Products for SEISS/EHIS 3/19/2026
Developing a New Wind Instrume 8/31/2026
Development of a multi-brand radio 8/31/2027
EHIS G18 - PLT Task Effort 9/30/2025
EVEX2 10/31/2026
Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) 8/31/2025
HIS - SOLO 4/30/2028
Heavy Ion Sensor for the European Space Agency Mission - Solar Orbiter 4/30/2028
IBEX Operation 2/27/2026
IMAP Phase C-D 5/25/2025
IMAP Phase C-D 8/31/2025
IMAP-Lo Phase C/D 5/31/2025
ISIS Science Operations Center on the Solar Probe Plus (SPP) Mission 9/30/2025
IXPE CYCLE 1 7/31/2025
Low-Energy Compton Imager 2/24/2025
Low-resource Winds Instrumentation for Scientific Measurements in Planetary Thermospheres 1/31/2025
MMS, THEMIS and TWINS 3/31/2025
Magnetospheric Physics 2/28/2027
Models of Kilonova and Gamma Ray Burst Sources with Monte-Carlo Neutrino Transport 2/23/2025
Nagoya University Visiting Sci 3/31/2025
Nagoya University Visiting Scientist 3/31/2025
Nuclear Astrophysics Simulations 8/31/2025
Particle Acceleration Collisionless 6/30/2027
Plasma During Geomagnetic Storms 5/14/2028
QCCDW 9/28/2029
Rocket Experiment for Neutral 4/30/2025
Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 3 (RENU 3) 4/30/2025
SWiPS 1/31/2034
Searching for a Vibrant Dark S 6/30/2026
Solar Probe Plus (SPP) Mission 9/30/2025
Solar Probe Plus FIELDS Experiment, Phase A 9/30/2025
The Ion Strahl and Its Contribution to Solar- Wind Energization in Different Types of Solar Wind Near the Sun 3/22/2025
Theoretical High Physics UNH 5/31/2025
Three-Dimensional Numerical Mo 4/30/2026
Understanding VHF 3/31/2027
XL-Calibur: \"Observations of B 10/3/2025