Active Grants for the Ocean Process Analysis Lab (UZOPAL) department

Grant Name Close Date
Near-surface seabed structure 7/31/2027
2022 East Coast Ocean Acidification (ECOA) Pre-Cruise Planning 6/30/2026
Collaborative Research: Autono 8/31/2027
Ecology of Zooplankton Gulf of ME 4/30/2025
Geostationary Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer (GLIMR) 1/30/2030
Investigation of Marine Atmospheric 5/8/2027
Net community respiration of P 6/30/2026
OAP Cruise 4/30/2026
Ocean Margins Initiative 4/30/2025
REU Site: Sensors in Earth and 6/30/2026
SWOT 6/3/2025
Salinity in NW Atlantic Shelf 4/30/2025
Spatial and temporal variabili 6/30/2025
The Geostationary Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer: GLIMR 12/30/2028
Using Ocean Surface Imagery 3/23/2025
Western Gulf of Maine Monitoring for NERACOOS 6/30/2026