Active Grants for the Academic Affairs department

Grant Name Close Date
Building Capacity for Early Ch 10/31/2026
Building a Comprehensive Train 5/31/2025
Carsey Misc Business SPIP 6/30/2025
Coastal Resilience 12/31/2025
Concord Middle School 7/31/2025
Culture Cafe Manchester Schools 10/23/2026
Developing Mediated Market Mod 11/30/2025
Expand Climate Action Clinic 6/30/2025
FY25 Joshua's Law 6/30/2025
Green House Gas Reduction Fund 6/30/2025
Inter-Lakes SAU 2 6/30/2025
Medically Tailored Meals Program 3/31/2025
Multiple Pathways to Achieve 9/30/2025
NH Food and Ag Strategic Plan 3/6/2025
Operating Support for NH Farm to School 12/10/2025
PDG Implementation Grant 4/30/2025
Race and Equity in NH Y4 1/31/2025
Research Visibility Program 10/31/2025
Support for NH Food Alliance 12/12/2025
Sustainability Fellowships 2/1/2026
Transition Grant: Food Systems 6/30/2025
VOCA FY25 6/30/2025
Wells Fargo Collaboration 9/14/2025
Wildlife Plan Revision-Stakeholder 6/30/2025