Active Grants for the Tenure Faculty (CEPS) department

Grant Name Close Date
Contribution of Allochthonous DON 6/30/2027
DNA Hydrogel Production 1/31/2029
Near-surface seabed structure 7/31/2027
Separation Across Heterojunctions 8/31/2025
2023 ARPA-E SHARKS 8/21/2025
2024 Lightning Panel 7/31/2028
A High-speed Camera System 12/31/2025
AccelNet: ICNet Global 9/30/2025
Airfield Traffic Decision Tool 9/30/2027
Asphalt Pavement Cracking Perf 3/31/2025
B2S Industry Challenge: Enhanc 12/31/2024
BIL 7/31/2029
Bioelectronics-embedded inject 9/20/2025
Biophysical Drivers Sediment 6/30/2025
Bound Factors Micro Hydrogels 5/31/2025
Braided tensor categories, 5/31/2026
Brayton SALT-E 5/31/2027
Breaking new ground Communication 5/31/2027
Building a Comprehensive Train 5/31/2025
CAREER: An Integrated Platform 2/28/2025
CAREER: Decision Theoretic Lif 5/31/2026
CAREER: Decision Theoretic Life Cycle Assessment 5/31/2026
CAREER: From Research to Meta-Research to Practice- The Development of ELE Framework for School Algebra 1/31/2027
CAREER: Investigation of Beginning Teachers' Expertise to Teach Mathematics 5/31/2025
CAREER: Teach Mathematics 5/31/2025
CLN 0001 Tsk 1A 2A 5-5 to 4-24 5/4/2027
COUINS Rocket 1/31/2025
CR:Quantification Larval Disp 5/31/2025
CREST: Teacher Success 5/31/2025
Cold Region Sic and Tech. 1/24/2026
Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Small: Resource-efficient, Strongly Consistent Replication for the Cloud 4/30/2025
Collaborative Research: DMREF: Grain Interface Functional Design to Create Damage Resistance in Polycrystalline Metallic Materials 12/31/2025
Collaborative Research: Design 6/30/2026
Collaborative Research: Hybrid Flow-Sediment-Structure Interaction Analysis of Extreme Scour due to Coastal Flooding 12/31/2024
Collaborative Research: Invest 2/28/2025
Collaborative Research: NNA Track 1: Change, Resilience and Sustainability of Frozen Commons in Alaskan and Northeastern Siberian Communities 8/31/2026
Connecting the fluid free-surf 6/30/2025
Continental shelf seabed chara 7/31/2025
Continuation of the NOAA Joint Hydrographic Center at the University of New Hampshire 12/31/2025
Cosmic Phenomenology 8/31/2025
Data Products for SEISS/EHIS 3/19/2026
Design of dynamic DNA hydrogels 4/30/2025
Developing Structural Engineer 4/30/2025
Developing a New Wind Instrume 8/31/2026
Developing and Evaluating Novel Techniques for Moose Monitoring in New Hampshire 6/30/2025
Development and Characterization of femto Electrospray Ionization 4/30/2025
Development of Construction 4. 9/30/2026
Development of a multi-brand radio 8/31/2027
Dynamics and dispersion of met 1/1/2025
EAGER: SAI-E: Collaborative Re 8/31/2025
EHIS G18 - PLT Task Effort 9/30/2025
EVEX2 10/31/2026
Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) 8/31/2025
FHWA Sustainable & Resilient 10/1/2025
FMRG: Eco: GOALI: Exploring an 9/30/2027
Fine-grained Knowledge 6/30/2025
Fostering Ethical Adoption of AIAR 8/31/2026
Friction Stir Additive Manufac 2/10/2025
Glaciation Peruvian Andes 5/31/2025
Great Bay Waterbody Watershed 12/31/2025
Green and Resilient Infrastruc 9/30/2026
Green and Resilient Infrastructure Implementation Program for Martha's Vineyard 9/30/2026
GreenSource 1/15/2025
HIS - SOLO 4/30/2028
Heavy Ion Sensor for the European Space Agency Mission - Solar Orbiter 4/30/2028
Higher Representation Theory 6/30/2027
Hybrid Flow-Sediment-Structure 12/31/2025
Hydrogen Gas in the Atmosphere 1/1/2025
I/UCRC: CIMF 10/31/2029
IBEX Operation 2/27/2026
IMAP Phase C-D 5/25/2025
IMAP Phase C-D 8/31/2025
IMAP-Lo Phase C/D 5/31/2025
IRES Track 1: International Co 6/30/2025
ISIS Science Operations Center on the Solar Probe Plus (SPP) Mission 9/30/2025
IXPE CYCLE 1 7/31/2025
Impacts of nearshore air-sea fluxes 8/31/2029
Improving Integrated Multibeam Survey Systems (Phase 2) 3/31/2026
Improving and Developing Pavem 6/30/2025
LEAPS-MPS: Getting modeling 8/31/2025
Low- Temperature Comparative P 8/31/2025
Low-Energy Compton Imager 2/24/2025
Low-resource Winds Instrumentation for Scientific Measurements in Planetary Thermospheres 1/31/2025
MMP- deactivating injectable h 6/30/2025
MMS, THEMIS and TWINS 3/31/2025
MRI: Track #1 Acquisition of a 9/30/2026
Magnetospheric Physics 2/28/2027
Making Noyce in NH 5/31/2025
Making Noyce in NH: A Teacher Leaders Program to Improve STEM Learning for all Students 5/31/2025
Marine Disease Transmission 8/31/2029
Measuring and Modeling the Tem 6/30/2026
Methane, Microbes and Models 11/30/2025
MnROAD Reflective Cracking Challenge 9/30/2026
Models of Kilonova and Gamma Ray Burst Sources with Monte-Carlo Neutrino Transport 2/23/2025
NH Water Resources Research Ce 8/31/2025
NRRA Aging Phase IIA 9/30/2026
NRT: Convergent Arctic Researc 8/31/2026
NRT: Convergent Arctic Research and Perspectives (CARPE) 8/31/2026
NSF CHIRRP 9/30/2026
NSF IPA 6/16/2025
Nagoya University Visiting Sci 3/31/2025
Nagoya University Visiting Scientist 3/31/2025
New England Regional Onsite 12/31/2024
Next Generation Seafloor Tools 3/31/2025
Nuclear Astrophysics Simulations 8/31/2025
ONR Seabed Warfare Program Support 7/31/2025
Ocean Exploration Cooperative Inst. 6/30/2025
PFAS Testing at NPDES Permitte 8/31/2025
Particle Acceleration Collisionless 6/30/2027
Peptides and Small-Molecules Targeting Signaling Protein and Protein-Protein Interfaces 6/30/2025
Permeability Evolution and Mec 8/31/2025
Plasma During Geomagnetic Storms 5/14/2028
QCCDW 9/28/2029
RAS as an FDR Mechanical Stabi 9/30/2025
RII Track-2 FEC: Advancing Manufacturing and Biotechnology through an On-Demand Sensor Platform: Investments in the Development of Engineering Principles and the Future Workforce 2/28/2026
RII Track-2 FEC: ENACTS 8/31/2028
RII Track-2: Comp Methods 7/15/2025
RII-Track 1 Management 12/31/2024
Reduce Concrete Cracking throu 12/31/2025
Research infrastructure: RCN 8/31/2028
Resiliency in Salt Marshes 8/15/2025
Robot-Assisted Aging-in-Place 8/31/2028
Rocket Experiment for Neutral 4/30/2025
Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 3 (RENU 3) 4/30/2025
S2S Groundwater 7/21/2025
SMART Analytics for Critical I 12/31/2025
STEM Gateway Teaching 9/30/2025
STEM Language Arts Teaching - learning Ecosystems (SLATE) 12/15/2026
SWiPS 1/31/2034
SaTC: CORE: Small: Beat Modern 12/31/2025
SaTC: CORE: Small: Securing th 9/30/2025
Scaling Transport in Near-shor 9/24/2026
Seafloor Scatter Variability 8/31/2027
Searching for a Vibrant Dark S 6/30/2026
SitS: FroSen: Novel soil frost 2/14/2026
SitS: FroSen: Novel soil frost sensing systems for tracking freeze -thaw cycles and their implications for ecosystem carbon and nutrient dynamics 2/14/2025
Smoke on the Water: Lake-based 6/29/2025
Soil Moisture and Earthquakes 9/30/2025
Solar Probe Plus (SPP) Mission 9/30/2025
Solar Probe Plus FIELDS Experiment, Phase A 9/30/2025
The Ion Strahl and Its Contribution to Solar- Wind Energization in Different Types of Solar Wind Near the Sun 3/22/2025
Theoretical High Physics UNH 5/31/2025
Three-Dimensional Numerical Mo 4/30/2026
UF ONR Littoral Mud Flats 5/31/2025
UNHSC SNEP Tech Assistance 9/30/2025
UV Disinfection Validation 6/30/2025
UV Disinfection Validation 6/30/2025
Understanding VHF 3/31/2027
Validation of Loose Mix Aging 12/31/2024
Visualization of Carbon-Cyclin 1/31/2026
Vortex Surface Interactions 6/30/2027
WQ Test Site & Public Outreach 1/31/2026
Whale interaction sensor 9/30/2026
What controls the marine refra 6/30/2025
XL-Calibur: \"Observations of B 10/3/2025
infiniTETM Float Soundscapes 12/1/2025