Active Grants for the EPSCoR department

Grant Name Close Date
CAREER: Decision Theoretic Life Cycle Assessment 5/31/2026
Collaborative Proposal: Plastic Spiraling in River Networks (Plastic-SIReN): Determining the controls 9/30/2024
Collaborative Research: LTREB: Soil Warming and Forest Ecosystem Feedbacks to the Climate System 3/31/2025
Collaborative Research: MRA: Distributions of macrofungi: quantifying ecosystem and climate drivers 12/31/2025
Collaborative Research: NNA Track 1: Change, Resilience and Sustainability of Frozen Commons in Alaskan and Northeastern Siberian Communities 8/31/2026
Feeding seaweed to advance the sustainability of organic dairy and aquaculture systems 8/31/2025
Increasing resiliency to change winters in the Northeast: understanding effects on perennial forage and weed community dynamics 12/15/2025
Making Noyce in NH: A Teacher Leaders Program to Improve STEM Learning for all Students 5/31/2025
NERACOOS: A responsive ocean observing system for the changing Northeast region 6/30/2026
NRT: Convergent Arctic Research and Perspectives (CARPE) 8/31/2026
PREP Monitoring Collaborative 12/31/2025
SitS: FroSen: Novel soil frost sensing systems for tracking freeze -thaw cycles and their implications for ecosystem carbon and nutrient dynamics 2/14/2025
The export of terrigenous DOC from boreal terrestrial ecosystems to the Arctic Ocean and its vulnerability to environmental change 10/18/2024