Active Grants for the Cooperative Extension (COOP) department

Grant Name Close Date
2020 New Hampshire Forest Stewardship 9/30/2024
2020 Urban and Community Forestry 9/30/2024
2021 New Hampshire Forest Stewardship 9/30/2025
2021 Urban and Community Forestry 9/30/2025
Building Coastal Resilience for the Broader Great Marsh System of NH ad MA 7/31/2025
Building Compliance Skills for FSMA PSR 6/30/2026
Diversifying the maple syrup industry to enhance socioecological resilience and ecosystem services 12/31/2024
Making Noyce in NH: A Teacher Leaders Program to Improve STEM Learning for all Students 5/31/2025
Network development & skill building of Agriculture Service Providers fir an inclusive food secure NH 9/30/2024
STEM Language Arts Teaching - learning Ecosystems (SLATE) 12/15/2026